Call for Shared Task Proposals

We invite you to submit a Shared Task Proposal to the 6th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText), which takes place on June 14-16, 2021.

SwissText is an annual conference that brings together text analytics experts from industry and academia. It is organised by the Swiss Association for Natural Language Processing (SwissNLP) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). SwissText 2021 is part of the “Networking Event Series – Natural Language Processing” funded by InnoSuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency. It is supported by more than 10 universities and scientific associations.

Apart from the main conference, which consists of four tracks (see Call for contributions here), the conference will feature workshops and a series of shared tasks.

We invite researchers to submit proposals for shared tasks in the fields of natural language processing, computational linguistics, and machine learning/data science with a focus on text analytics. Tasks can be multilingual or in a single language. We especially encourage tasks on typical languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian, Romansh, Swiss German, as well as English. 

If you are interested in organizing a shared task, please get in touch with Michel Plüss ( as soon as possible, but no later than January 31, 2021.