1st Business NLP Workshop

18th June 2019 at SwissText

Call for Participation

Language technologies for business operations have an impact on the life of millions. Applying state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies to industrial applications often involve challenges that rarely receive the attention they deserve at language technology events. The first workshop for Business NLP is a venue for the NLP community to share and learn about recent advances and challenges in the processing of natural language in real-world applications. The workshop aims at bringing practitioners together from different domains to share the challenges they have faced and to learn from common experiences.


15:30–15:40   Kornélia Papp (Swiss Re): Welcome
15:40–15:55   Alejandro J. Castaneira (JANZZ): Mastering Occupation Data
15:55–16:10   Andreas Streich (Zurich Insurance): Using NLP for automatic email triage and underwriting automation
16:10–16:25   Ritavan (Steering Lab): Semantic Data Augmentation & Unsupervised Methods
16:25–16:40   Luca Ambrosini (SUPSI): *thing: improve anything to anything collaboration
16:40–16:55   Mark Rowan (Swiss Re): A bird’s eye view on table understanding
16:55–17:00   Daniele Puccinelli (SUPSI): Closing remarks


We welcome everyone working in research or industry to join as a presenter (see presentation submission information below) or as an attendee/discussion partner. The workshop program will be published 20th May 2019.

Presentation Submissions

We invite presentations from any industry (small or large) working on text or speech data. Each presentation will be 10−15 minutes followed by a short discussion.

Do you have an NLP use case/challenge? Bring it on! Please apply with describing the use case, the challenge and the present solution under:

All submissions are due on 15th May 2019 via: https://forms.gle/8aPLXfekV8jPNgvs5

Organizing Committee
Kornelia Papp, Swiss RE
Daniele Puccinelli, SUPSI

Contact Information: